The Chaange museum tablet app was created as part of a pro bono project I was tasked create to expand the physical exhibit, allow guided and self-guided tours and make it accessible for the elderly.
The app contains the entire exhibition and allows the user to get additional information and media about each item. The visitor can go to any exhibit item by either scanning a QR code next to it or entering a 3 digit code for the item.
I was asked to allow teachers and guides to create paths that guided tour can take, either by topic or a grouping of exhibit items. The solution was an app ability to create tours by inputting the items in the order of visit, the app then created a map that shows the visitor where he needs to go next.

The Survivor Database
I have expanded the app to include the Survivor Database, so visitors can search and browse to individual survivor stories by searching their name

The tablet app contains multiple accessibility measures to make it simple to use by various audience. All textual information can be broadcasted as audio, the visitor can expand the size of any text in the app and switch between black on white or white on black version. High contrast allows best readability.
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